News and Events

Home Economics – Pizza Making

Home Economics – Pizza Making

Miss Higgins’ 1st year Home Economics students made pizza last week. They put into practise the skills of kneading and rolling to make the pizza. Student then decided within their group what toppings...

Prosper Meath Mosaic Unveiled

Prosper Meath Mosaic Unveiled

Prosper Meath unveiled their magnificent mosaic project last Friday. The Project was an exciting collaborative project between Prosper Meath service users, our Transition Year Students 2022/23 and Trim’s Men Shed. The group was led and mentored by artist Dave West....



As Boyne Community School is a FUSE Registered school partnering with DCU Anti-Bullying Centre, We are writing to you to request your support. This   survey link  and accompanying  google-doc include everything you need to know about the study and the survey itself....



Next Friday the 19th of May 70 odd first year students under the guidance of their colleagues will take part in a 5K walk to support My Canine Compnaion Autisim and Theraphy dogs. We hope to complete the same distance to Cork, which is where MCC hope to purchase their...

SciFest 2023

SciFest 2023

Congratulations to Katie Devine, Aaron Kearney and Tara Redmond who won the Intel Technology Award for their self watering plant pot at SciFest today!! Well done to all our TY students who...

Lunchtime Music Concerts Conclude for 2023

Lunchtime Music Concerts Conclude for 2023

Our lunchtime concerts have finished up for the year. We had an amazing concert and audience on Monday to finish up the term with performances from our students on piano, traditional flute, electric guitar &...

Fifth Year LCA Students In The Zone

Fifth Year LCA Students In The Zone

  Fifth year LCA’s enjoyed a day out in ‘The Zone’, Navan on Thursday. This was a reward for all their hard work throughout the year.    

Geography Soil Investigation

Geography Soil Investigation

Second year class Swift completed their Soil Investigations this week in Geography. They have identified the soil types from their local area and investigated soil texture, structure and water retention abilities of particular soils. [gallery...

Ukulele Club 2022-23′

Ukulele Club 2022-23′

Our Ukulele club finished today for this year . Thank you to all the students who turned up every Thursday at lunchtime. Students learned and performed a wide variety of songs including pop, traditional folk/ballads and songs from musicals. Students who are studying...

Sixth Year LCA Hotel & Catering Celebratory Lunch

Sixth Year LCA Hotel & Catering Celebratory Lunch

Our Sixth Year LCA's completed their assignment task where they had to cater for an event and they chose to celebrate their upcoming graduation and finishing school with a celebratory lunch.      ...

Transition Year Students Visit Butlers Chocolate Factory

Transition Year Students Visit Butlers Chocolate Factory

The Transiton Year students enjoyed a great trip to Butlers Chocolate Factory in Dublin today. The students got the opportunity to learn the history of Butlers Chocolate factory, see how the chocolate is produced daily and decorate their own chocolate elephant.  ...

5th Year Harp presentation and performance

5th Year Harp presentation and performance

A huge thank you to Ms O'Brien for the presentation and performance she gave to the 5th year music class about the Irish Harp and Harping tradition which the students are currently studying. Ms O'Brien spoke to the students about the history and timbre of the...

Rubbish Film Festival in the Solstice Theatre

Rubbish Film Festival in the Solstice Theatre

Congratulations to class Croiúil for winning the Oscar for Best Cinematic Display from the 81 entries submitted in the Rubbish Film Festival Competition!! TY students attended the awards ceremony in the Solstice today. The films our TYs produced looked great on the...

Meas, Mórtas, Muintearas.

Respect for ourselves and others, pride in our work, and a sense of community.