Leaving Certificate Applied Programme
Festive Enterprise Fair: Showcasing TY, LCA, and First-Year Creativity
Our TY , LCA and 1st year students hosted a Christmas fair in the school as part of their Enterprise module. The fair was a great success with most tables selling all their stock. Items for sale ranged from festive Christmas logs handcrafted by our students to...
TY, LCA & JCSP Students Complete Barista Course
Many thanks to Dublin Barista School for providing training to our TY, LCA & 3rd year JCSP students this week. During this very practical experience, students learned hands-on skills needed to work in the hospitality sector. Students learned about the different...
Congratulations to some of our 5th and 6th years for successfully completing the Safe Pass course! This accomplishment marks an important milestone in their professional journey and demonstrates their commitment to ensuring their safety and the safety of others in the...
Class Bective are continuing their collaboration with the local Men's Shed to create a vibrant mosaic. This partnership fosters creativity, teamwork, and intergenerational learning, as students and Men's Shed Trim members work together to craft a lasting piece of art...
LCA Go-Karting fun in Dublin
Class Tara and Bective enjoyed their trip to “Kylemore Go-Karting” in Dublin. This trip was a reward for their great work in the classroom and their efforts throughout the November exams. There was fierce competition throughout the qualifier laps and very close...
Class Bective and Tara visited Dunboyne College of Further Education today, where they explored various potential career pathways. Derek Ball, provided an insightful talk about the diverse range of courses available. He highlighted opportunities in areas such as...
Class Tara Dessert Creations
For their Practical Achievement Task, Class Tara are currently participating in an eight-week cooking course, where they have been developing a variety of culinary skills. This week, they successfully created two classic desserts: Swiss Rolls and Chocolate Eclairs....
Class Bective and Trim Men’s Shed Community Project
Class Bective continued their collaborative project with Trim Men’s Shed this week, working together on a meaningful community initiative. The students are actively involved in creating a mosaic that will serve as a representation of the Trim community. This joint...
It was great to have David Day and his African Drumming workshop back in the school again. The TY, LCA & 1st year music classes got the opportunity to play the djembe drums and a wide variety of percussion instruments. There were great 'rhythmic sounds' coming out...
What is the Leaving Cert Applied Programme?
• It is a distinct, self-contained two-year Leaving Certificate programme aimed at preparing students for adult and working life
• It emphasises forms of achievement and excellence which the established Leaving Certificate has not recognised in the past
Who would benefit from completing the programme?
• Students who prefer more practical courses
• Students who are not adequately catered for by other Leaving Certificate programmes
• Students who wish to have work experience every week during their senior cycle
Who is it suitable for?
Suitable for those students who are:
1. Someone who would be motivated by continuous assessment
2. Someone who wants to get work experience to help them with their career choice
3. Someone who prefers more practical courses
4. Someone who wants to develop skills which will help them in their future career
5. Someone who prefers learning by doing
6. A person who wants to improve their communication and decision making skills
7. Someone who is interested in applying knowledge and skills to the solution of real problems
Subjects studied in LCA:
Vocational Preparation Vocational Preparation & Guidance
English & Communications
Vocational Education Mathematical Applications
Vocational Specialisms – Active Leisure Studies
Information Communication Technology
General Education Arts Education
Social Education
Leisure & Recreation
Religious Education
What are credits and sessions?
There is a whole series of words associated with LCA that are not associated with other programmes. For the most part these are words that you would only come across in college or university.
• Credits are marks that are given to the student after completing a key assignment
• Each subject has Modules (topics)
• Each module has 4 Key assignments
• Each module without an exam is worth 2 Credits
• To earn these credits you must have 90% attendance and all four key assignments
• You need credits to pass each subject
• There are 200 credits overall in LCA
• Attendance and assignments are KEY.
How is this assessed?
Some modules have final exams in June as well as continuous assessment throughout the two years.
Majority of exams are at the end of Year Two:
• English & Communications
• Hotel, Catering and Tourism
• Active Leisure Studies
• Social Education
• Mathematical Applications
• Gaeilge Chumersaid/ German (one exam at the end of Year 1 and another at the end of Year 2)
How is the programme awarded?
Certificate is awarded at three levels:
• Pass60-69 %(120 – 139 credits)
• Merit70-84 %(140 – 169 credits)
• Distinction 85-100 %(170 – 200 credits)
How do you get these credits?
There are 3 Modes of assessment:
• Satisfactory completion of 44 modules 62 credits (31%)
• 7 Student Tasks 70 credits (35%)
• Final Examinations 68 credits (34%)
• Total 200 credits (100%)
What Boyne Community School Leaving Certificate students’ said about the programme?
• Its enjoyable because its less about exams than the traditional Leaving Cert
• I got to go to Dunboyne from LCA and I wouldn’t have got the passes I needed if I had to do the normal Leaving Cert
• We get to do lots of activities like rock climbing and cooking for our subjects
• There are smaller classes so we get more help
• Work experience is great I got a job from it
Student progression profiles:
The progression of students from the Boyne Community School Programme has been a major success.
• The majority of our students start apprenticeships, start a PLC course or enter the world of work after leaving.
• This programme helps them to adapt and meet expectation whichever path they chose.
• For example in last year’s cohort students started refrigeration and carpentry apprenticeships, courses in childcare, sports injury prevention, and pre- apprenticeship mechanics.
Five Key Questions about LCA
Q. 1 Why was the Leaving Certificate Applied introduced?
The Leaving Certificate Applied was introduced to recognise the talents of all students and provide opportunities for development in terms of responsibility, self-esteem and self-knowledge. It is an innovative programme in the way students learn, in what they learn and in the way their achievements are assessed.
Q.2 What is the advantage of the Leaving Certificate Applied?
The advantage of Leaving Certificate Applied is that it focuses on the talents of each individual student and helps students apply what they learn in the real world. The two-year programme consists of four half-year blocks called Sessions and achievements are credited in each of these Sessions.
Q.3 Do Leaving Certificate Applied students receive a Leaving Certificate?
Yes. Students who successfully complete the programme will receive a Leaving Certificate Level 4 from the State Examinations Commission. All credits awarded will be recorded on the Leaving Certificate Applied parchment.
Q.4 What is different about the Leaving Certificate Applied?
It includes seven Student Tasks that bring together the different learning experiences that the students have gained from the courses they have taken.
It uses a unique system of assessment. The students` work is assessed over the two years of the programme and they gain credits as they go along. Practical’s, interviews and terminal written papers are among the different forms of assessment used. The students` communication, problem solving and practical skills are also assessed.
Q. 5 What can I do after LCA?
The LCA programme is accepted for a wide range of Post Leaving Certificate (PLC) courses at FETAC Level 5. It will also provide access to most apprenticeships and other vocational training awards. Many students complete a PLC with the intention of using their award to progress to third level Education through a system called the Higher Education Links Scheme.
Meas, Mórtas, Muintearas.
Respect for ourselves and others, pride in our work, and a sense of community.