If any parent would like to attend this course but doesn’t have the means to pay then contact me, Roisin Lawless on 0867853216.

Dyslexia Courses Ireland

3 Priory Drive, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin

W: www.dyslexiacourses.ie E: wynmccormack@sky.com M: 087 2582345


Zoom webinar for parents on how to support their student with dyslexia at second level


                  Monday 2nd October 2023 at 7.00 pm till 8.30


Many parents of students with dyslexia struggle to know how to support the student at second level as the challenges are different to those experienced at primary level.  This webinar aims to give practical help and advice.


The topics addressed include:

  • How dyslexia affects the student at second level
  • How to support the student in the following areas
    • Organisation
    • Note-taking
    • Memory and Learning
    • Reading
    • Writing
    • Spelling and Vocabulary.
  • Key educational choices such as subject choice, language exemptions etc.
  • Resources such as useful websites.


We have run this webinar on many occasions since 2020.   What parents have said about the webinar.

  • ‘Gave me hope and ideas on how to help’.
  • ‘I found it brilliant, jam-packed with information and advice and it was performed in such a professional manner’.
  • Thank you very much!! Very informative and helpful. Lots of ideas going forward!





Wyn McCormack worked as guidance counsellor and special education teacher as well as the parent of sons with dyslexia.  She has designed and presented courses on dyslexia for teachers, parents and students since the early 90’s.   She is the author of the Factsheets on Dyslexia at Second Level (2014 and updated annually), Lost for Words 3rd Ed. 2007, and co-author of Dyslexia, an Irish Perspective 2nd Ed 2010


Cost   The cost of the webinar is €20.  To book a place, please use the booking form below.





Dyslexia Courses Ireland

W: www.dyslexiacourses.ie E: wynmccormack@sky.com P: 087 2582345




Zoom webinar for parents on how to support their student with dyslexia at second level


Monday 2nd October 2023 at 7.00 pm







To book a place, return this section plus the fee €20 to Dyslexia Courses Ireland, 3 Priory Drive, Stillorgan, Co. Dublin, Post Code A94XY17 or email it to wynmccormack@sky.com.   The fee can be paid by cheque, postal order, electronic funds transfer (EFT) or by Revolut to 087 2582345.   The bank details are as follows:


Account Name:             Dyslexia Courses Ireland

IBAN:                               IE29AIBK93136520234022

BIC:                                  AIBKIE2D


Please, Please use your name on the EFT.  


Name                                               _____________________


Phone contact                                _____________________


Email                                                _____________________


Name of School your child attends  ­__________________


What year is your child in             ­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­­_____________________





Please tick below

  • Fee attached               ______
  • Electronic Funds transfer               ______
  • Revolute

The information on this form will be held until the webinar takes place.   At that stage, only the email address will be retained to allow for circulation of newsletters about resources.