Transition Year

TY Guide Dogs Ireland Residental Programme

TY Guide Dogs Ireland Residental Programme

Ty students have the opportunity to become involved in a three week residential programme. Guide Dogs Ireland spoke to our students about the residential programme. The 3-week residential training programme involves students coming to our Training Centre where our...

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TY Horticulture- Building and Finishing A Concrete Footpath.

TY Horticulture- Building and Finishing A Concrete Footpath.

TY students had the opportunity to mix concrete. They followed Mr. Mitchells instructions and adding half of the cement, sand and aggregates and let them run as a dry mix for a couple of minutes before starting to add water. Keep gradually adding water until the...

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TY Trip To The Musical Matilda

TY Trip To The Musical Matilda

As part of the TY Drama module, our TY students visited The Odeon Cinema Blanchardstown, to watch the musical "Matilda". The TY students are hoping to draw inspiration for their musical later in the year. A huge thanks to Ms McCann & Ms. Gibney for organising the...

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SciFest Think Tank with TY Students

SciFest Think Tank with TY Students

Billy Fleming from Scifest gave a Think Tank Workshop with our Transition Year students today. He focused on the criteria needed for a successful Project and the procceses required to achieve this. SciFest’s main object is: To promote Science, Technology, Engineering...

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BT Young Scientist 2023

BT Young Scientist 2023

Well done to Amber, Sophie, Tara, Katie and Aaron for being excellent ambassadors for the school at the BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition! President Michael D Higgins officially opened the exhibition on Wednesday 11th January. Students had a brilliant...

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Day 2: BT Young Scientist Exhibition

Day 2: BT Young Scientist Exhibition

Day 2 of BT Young Scientist got off to a great start this morning. Our transition year students went up to the RDS to view all the different projects that were on display and have a look at the various exhibitions. We were delighted to meet Senator Shane Cassells who...

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2023 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition

2023 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition

  President Michael D Higgins officially opened the 2023 BT Young Scientist & Technology Exhibition this afternoon. The first round of judging has commenced in the RDS and the exhibition will continue until Saturday evening. Our students have been working on their...

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Third Year Students Sample TY E-Scooter Workshop

Third Year Students Sample TY E-Scooter Workshop

Our Third Year students sampled an E-Scooter Workshop today. This course allows our students to have an insight to the opportunities available in our Transition Year Programme in Boyne Community School. The two-hour course encourages young people to adopt a safety-led...

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TY Tapas Morning

TY Tapas Morning

As part of their Spanish Module transition year students have been learning about food and drinks in Spanish and how to order food in a restaurant.

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TY & LCA Christmas Market

TY & LCA Christmas Market

Transition Year students hosted a Christmas Market in the school in collaboration with our LCA students. The fair was a great success with most tables selling all their stock. Items for sale ranged from festive Christmas logs handcrafted by our students to delicious...

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TY Bronze Gaisce Awards

TY Bronze Gaisce Awards

We are very proud of our Bronze Gaisce students, Alannah Dolan, Jade Larkin, Jim Harrigan, Alexandra Trif,  Adam Curran who were all presented with their medals at a ceremony in Boyne Community School. Over a six-month period, these students got involved in learning...

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A unique programme that acts as a bridge between Junior and Leaving Cycles.

What is Transition Year?

  • This is a unique one year programme for students aged 15/16.
  • It provides a bridge to enable students to make the transition from Junior to Senior cycle.
  • It encourages personal and social development and recognises the need for students to grow in independence.
  • Transition Year fosters academic achievement as students prepare for a Leaving Certificate programme, further study and adult and working life.
  • The type of student to which Transition year is best suited is one who is an all-rounder or who wants to explore and develop their abilities, whilst learning new skills within a structured environment.
  • The Transition Year programme is designed to provide pupils with the opportunity to discover their own talents, aptitudes, and abilities whilst developing skills and competencies within a well-defined academic structure.
  • It challenges pupils to accept responsibility for their own learning, to improve their performance in many core areas, explore new subjects, develop their own interests, and to evaluate their progress.
  • Work Experience plays a significant role in the programme as students gain first-hand experience of the world of work. Students arrange and complete Work Experience in a number of different workplaces in blocks throughout the year in areas relevant to their own interests and ambitions.
  • Please note that due to an ongoing process of evaluation, review, and improvement the curriculum is subject to change


Points to consider before deciding to do Transition year

  • Students have an opportunity to explore other interests and skills.
  • D.O.S.S. Developing other skill sets!
  • Students are older and more mature:

(i)   doing the Leaving Cert

(ii)  going to college

  • Students who do TY have a lower dropout rate at Third Level


Application Procedure

  • Application form.
  • Interview
  • Third Year head, AEN Department and Guidance Department consulted.
  • Participation in school life and school record considered.


What Boyne Community School Leaving Certificate students’ said about the programme?

  • I got to do subjects which I never did before which was class and helped me chose my subjects for the Leaving Cert
  • We visited DCU and learned loads about college
  • I made new friends because the class was small
  • Work experience helped me to mature
  • Going on trips and doing activities outside of school was brilliant
  • I loved every minute of it.
  • Go Karting was it for me
  • I appreciated all the work we done in the Community and really learned a lot
  • There was something new every week, it made the year very interactive.
  • Team work was really at the centre of our activities



TY Programme Goals

  • Education for Maturity and Personal Development
  • Emphasis on Self-Directed Learning with focus on Process not Result
  • Development of Social Conscience
  • Education through Experience of Adult and Working Life.


Subjects in TY

  • Core Subjects
  • English
  • Irish
  • Maths
  • World of Science
  • Information Technology
  • Home Economics
  • Physical Education
  • Career Guidance


Sampling Subjects

  • Music
  • Religion
  • Spanish
  • Mandarin
  • Sign Language
  • Enterprise and Construction
  • Short Film Making
  • Drama
  • Forensic Investigation
  • Environmental Studies
  • Disability Awareness
  • Aware Programme


  T.Y. Programmes (6-8week blocks)

  • GAA Coaching Course
  • First Aid
  • Self Defence
  • Self-Development
  • Enterprise Education
  • Water safety/ lifesaving course
  • A.I. Coaching Course
  • Community Work (Sensory Garden)
  • Future Leaders
  • Gaisce (Presidental Award)
  • Young Social Innovators
  • BT Young Scientist Competition


Other Areas Students Will Experience

  • Work Experience
  • Outdoor Pursuits
  • Fieldtrips
  • Visiting Speakers
  • Social Awareness Programme
  • Day Trips – relevant to courses undertaken
  • Voluntary work
  • First Aid


Work Experience

Students arrange and complete Work Experience in a number of different workplaces throughout the year in areas relevant to their own interests and ambitions.



Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning in T.Y. Students are assessed using a variety of methods:

  • Project Work
  • Written Assessments
  • Exhibitions
  • Self-Assessment
  • Peer Assessment
  • Presentations
  • Interview
  • Portfolio




Meas, Mórtas, Muintearas.

Respect for ourselves and others, pride in our work, and a sense of community.