Sixth-Year Award Ceremony

Today, we held our sixth-year awards ceremony with our Sixth Year – Year Head, Mr. Geraghty. Numerous students were recognized for their achievements in various subjects, including Music, Danielle Carag & Jim Harrigan, Engineering, Conor Kealy, Business, Ava Reid, Construction Studies, Eoin Coffey, Home Economics, Ava Read, Art, Emilia Pacukonis, DCG, Andy Dai, Agricultural Science, Anthony Daly, Biology, Liam Monaghan, Computer Science, Sammy Feenane-Levine, Vocational Prep, Conor Barnwell, LCA 2 Engineering, Anu Griffin, Home Economics, Ben Wilson and Art, Anu Griffin.

In addition to academic awards, we celebrated our students’ extracurricular successes in Soccer, Ben Kennedy, Hurling, Eoin Coffey Rugby, Dara Burke, Basketball, Shay Diggins, Camogie, Leah McMahon, and Football, Michael Heffernan.

We also honoured students with School Values Awards, for Meas (Respect), Mortas (Pride), and Muintearas (Belonging): Conor Byrne, Liam Monaghan, Eoin Coffey, Aaron Farrell, Mischa Beggs, Charlie Benson, Luke Farrell, Cormac McDonagh, Ben Kennedy, Max Mulhall, Noel Gorman, Sean Cribben, Anthony Healy, Leah McMahon, Remic Serek, and Anu Griffin.

Congratulations to all of our awards winners today. We look forward to welcoming you and your families to our sixth-year Graduation Ceremony, 7pm Thursday evening.