Post-Primary Languages Ireland, a dedicated unit of the Department of Education, is organising an information session on the Polish Leaving Certificate specification, portfolio, and sample papers. It aims to help students and parents to become familiar with the curriculum and identify suitable supports for the study, mostly for those who do not have access to the classes in school.

The information session will take place on 27th of February 2024, at 7 p.m. and will be hosted online.

To participate in the session, they need to register using the following link here


Polish at post-primary level in Ireland. Information session for parents and students. Język polski w szkołach średnich w Irlandii. Sesja informacyjna dla rodziców i uczniów.

The “Polish at post-primary level in Ireland. Information session for parents and students. Język polski w szkołach średnich w Irlandii. Sesja informacyjna dla rodziców i uczniów.” survey is ready for you to fill out. Please take a few minutes to share your thoughts.

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