VSware app

VSware app

Dear Parents/Guardians, Earlier this year we launched the VSware app as a means of communicating student term reports and attendance. One of the easiest ways to keep up to date with this would be to download the VSware app on your phone or computer. this would then...
Online parenting talk with psychologist Shane Martin

Online parenting talk with psychologist Shane Martin

Shane has been a keynote speaker at numerous conferences on a range of topics around wellbeing, positive mental health, recovery and happiness. A leader within the area of education, he has visited hundreds of educational institutions nationwide working with...
Parenting while separated

Parenting while separated

Parenting When Separated’, a FREE online talk for parents Date: Friday 19th March 2021 Time: 12.00p.m. – 1.00 p.m. Prof John Sharry Drawing on the evidence-based Parents Plus Programmes, John Sharry describes practical ways parents can help themselves and...
Parent Self Care

Parent Self Care

Dear Parents/Guardians, It’s very important to look after yourselves during this time.  We cannot look after others if we don’t look after ourselves first. With this in mind I am sharing this course which some of you might like to join. There are many...