SciFest Success!

SciFest Success!

  Well done to 5th year students who competed in SciFest in DCU today. Over 70 projects were presented from 22 different schools. The standard of projects was extremely high. Congratulations to Seán Burke, Darragh Loughrey and Oscar O’Reilly who won the DCU...
Trim Sings for Ukraine

Trim Sings for Ukraine

Well done again to all the schools, musical groups, and organisations that were part of ‘Trim Sings for Ukraine’, including members of our school choir. Mr Micheal Kerr (musical director) has created a link to the video and fundraising page. Please see...

Homemade Granola!

 Here are some photos of 1st years making granola last week! They were learning about the importance of breakfast and explored healthy breakfast ideas. The importance of having breakfast every morning was emphasised too. Granola is a quick and nutritious breakfast...

Students Participating in Scifest!

Congratulations to 3rd year Science students and 5th year Physics students who participated in SciFest@school this week. Our students showcased their scientific knowledge by designing and carrying out a scientific investigation of their choice. Many thanks to SciFest...
Trim Sing for Ukraine

Trim Sing for Ukraine

Thank you to the choir members in 1st, 3rd, 5th & 6th year who participated in the ‘Trim sing for Ukraine’ last night, organised by Mr. Mícheál Kerr. All the singers & musicians from all the schools and community groups did a wonderful job. Well...