National Attendance Competition

National Attendance Competition

A selection of the Posters submitted by our students reflecting the national drive to improve attendance. Students and staff are in the process of selecting a winner to represent the school nationally. The winner will be announced after the Easter break.’
Butlers Chocolate Factory & JCSP

Butlers Chocolate Factory & JCSP

Our second-year JCSP students had an enriching experience during their visit to the Butlers Chocolate Factory in Dublin today, which was part of our JCSP initiative. They delved into the factory’s history, gained insights into its operations, and learned about...
Boyne CS Meath GAA Minor Representatives

Boyne CS Meath GAA Minor Representatives

Boyne CS Meath GAA Minor Representatives Three of our students were selected as part of the Meath GAA Minor team for the coming season. Ciaran Sheridan was also named as team captain. The players are as follows: Ciaran Sheridan – Dunderry Cathal Barron- Dunderry...