On Wednesday, our 5th and 6th year Agricultural Science students visited local dairy farmer, Joe Healy. The students explored the sustainability of the Irish grass-fed dairy industry. They learned about the environmental benefits of grass-fed systems, including lower carbon footprints and enhanced biodiversity. As well as this, they learned about calf welfare, milk quality, and improving the genetic merit of the herd. Discussions on breeding productive cows and reducing calving intervals emphasised the science behind effective dairy farming. Engaging discussions highlighted the importance of sustainable practices in dairy farming. It was a fantastic day of discovery in agriculture!
We were also lucky to have Robert Corroon from AgriAware join us today to share his excellent knowledge and expertise in Agriculture. A huge thank you to Joe and Robert for taking the time out of their busy schedules to facilitate our students. Thank you to Ms. Murphy and Mr. Mungovan for organising the trip and bringing them.