Transition Year



Our TYs got off to a great start on their bonding trip in Tanagh Adventure Centre. Today's activities included canoeing, rock climbing, mud slides and battle zone archery.

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TY Self-Defence

TY Self-Defence

Our TY students are enjoying their second week of Self-Defence classes. Mr McDonnell is focusing on the art of boxing this week. This course will continue for 18 weeks.  

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Our TY students completed their certified Drivers Education Course today. Each Student got the chance to: Drive a Vehicle with a Qualified Instructor Change Wheels Safely Experience ‘Beer Goggles’ Use Sat Navigation Systems Practice Theory Test Buying & Taxing a...

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Well done to our TY classes who attended Trim Castle Hotel today. They took part in an Enterprise Idea Generation Day organised by Meath Local Enterprise Board. The workshop gave practical skills to enterprising students and gave them the opportunity to brainstorm and...

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Well done to our TY class Cineáltas who made the most of the good weather and took part in some litter picking.

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Transition Year students were welcomed back to Boyne Community School last week. As part of our induction day, we visited a number of attractions our local area of Trim has to offer including the Yellow Steeple, the Tomb of the Jealous Man and Woman, Sheep Gate and...

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TY Barcelona Trip 2023!

TY Barcelona Trip 2023!

Day 1: Transition Year students got off to a great start on their end of year tour to Barcelona. They enjoyed a sightseeing tour where they got to see La Sagrada Familia, Barcelona Cathedral and a statue of Christopher Columbus at the bottom of Las Ramblas. The tour...

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TY Horticulture- How To Climb A Tree Safely With A Harness

TY Horticulture- How To Climb A Tree Safely With A Harness

Our instructor Mr Mitchell, an expert tree climber himself informs our TY students of the safety requirements needed when climbing a tree with a harness.  A tree climber sits in the harness throughout the entire climbing session, so pros like Mr Mitchell use...

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Prosper Meath Mosaic Unveiled

Prosper Meath Mosaic Unveiled

Prosper Meath unveiled their magnificent mosaic project last Friday. The Project was an exciting collaborative project between Prosper Meath service users, our Transition Year Students 2022/23 and Trim’s Men Shed. The group was led and mentored by artist Dave West....

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A unique programme that acts as a bridge between Junior and Leaving Cycles.

What is Transition Year?

  • This is a unique one year programme for students aged 15/16.
  • It provides a bridge to enable students to make the transition from Junior to Senior cycle.
  • It encourages personal and social development and recognises the need for students to grow in independence.
  • Transition Year fosters academic achievement as students prepare for a Leaving Certificate programme, further study and adult and working life.
  • The type of student to which Transition year is best suited is one who is an all-rounder or who wants to explore and develop their abilities, whilst learning new skills within a structured environment.
  • The Transition Year programme is designed to provide pupils with the opportunity to discover their own talents, aptitudes, and abilities whilst developing skills and competencies within a well-defined academic structure.
  • It challenges pupils to accept responsibility for their own learning, to improve their performance in many core areas, explore new subjects, develop their own interests, and to evaluate their progress.
  • Work Experience plays a significant role in the programme as students gain first-hand experience of the world of work. Students arrange and complete Work Experience in a number of different workplaces in blocks throughout the year in areas relevant to their own interests and ambitions.
  • Please note that due to an ongoing process of evaluation, review, and improvement the curriculum is subject to change


Points to consider before deciding to do Transition year

  • Students have an opportunity to explore other interests and skills.
  • D.O.S.S. Developing other skill sets!
  • Students are older and more mature:

(i)   doing the Leaving Cert

(ii)  going to college

  • Students who do TY have a lower dropout rate at Third Level


Application Procedure

  • Application form.
  • Interview
  • Third Year head, AEN Department and Guidance Department consulted.
  • Participation in school life and school record considered.


What Boyne Community School Leaving Certificate students’ said about the programme?

  • I got to do subjects which I never did before which was class and helped me chose my subjects for the Leaving Cert
  • We visited DCU and learned loads about college
  • I made new friends because the class was small
  • Work experience helped me to mature
  • Going on trips and doing activities outside of school was brilliant
  • I loved every minute of it.
  • Go Karting was it for me
  • I appreciated all the work we done in the Community and really learned a lot
  • There was something new every week, it made the year very interactive.
  • Team work was really at the centre of our activities



TY Programme Goals

  • Education for Maturity and Personal Development
  • Emphasis on Self-Directed Learning with focus on Process not Result
  • Development of Social Conscience
  • Education through Experience of Adult and Working Life.


Subjects in TY

  • Core Subjects
  • English
  • Irish
  • Maths
  • World of Science
  • Information Technology
  • Home Economics
  • Physical Education
  • Career Guidance


Sampling Subjects

  • Music
  • Religion
  • Spanish
  • Mandarin
  • Sign Language
  • Enterprise and Construction
  • Short Film Making
  • Drama
  • Forensic Investigation
  • Environmental Studies
  • Disability Awareness
  • Aware Programme


  T.Y. Programmes (6-8week blocks)

  • GAA Coaching Course
  • First Aid
  • Self Defence
  • Self-Development
  • Enterprise Education
  • Water safety/ lifesaving course
  • A.I. Coaching Course
  • Community Work (Sensory Garden)
  • Future Leaders
  • Gaisce (Presidental Award)
  • Young Social Innovators
  • BT Young Scientist Competition


Other Areas Students Will Experience

  • Work Experience
  • Outdoor Pursuits
  • Fieldtrips
  • Visiting Speakers
  • Social Awareness Programme
  • Day Trips – relevant to courses undertaken
  • Voluntary work
  • First Aid


Work Experience

Students arrange and complete Work Experience in a number of different workplaces throughout the year in areas relevant to their own interests and ambitions.



Assessment is an integral part of teaching and learning in T.Y. Students are assessed using a variety of methods:

  • Project Work
  • Written Assessments
  • Exhibitions
  • Self-Assessment
  • Peer Assessment
  • Presentations
  • Interview
  • Portfolio




Meas, Mórtas, Muintearas.

Respect for ourselves and others, pride in our work, and a sense of community.