Social, Personal and Health Education
A unique programme that acts as a bridge between Junior and Leaving Cycles.
Social, Personal and Health Education
Transition Year is a one year programme offered to students who have completed the Junior Certificate and is an optional year for students. It is a unique programme which is designed to act as a bridge between the Junior and Leaving Certificate programmes.
Transition Year offers students the opportunity to mature and develop without the pressure of an examination. It encourages social development and recognises the need for students to grow in independence while at the same time maintaining tuition in all the core subjects.
SPHE In Real Life
Subjects included in our programme are Irish, English, Maths, Science, I.T, P.E, Home Economics, Drama, Art, Music, Architecture, ICT, Mini Company, Photography, and Gaisce.
Work experience is also an integral element of the course and various modules are studied throughout the year including First Aid, Self Defence, TEFL, and Positive Thinking. Many tours and day trips are also organised for the group during the TY year.
Latest Social, Personal and Health Education News
French Is The Language Of France
Morbi facilisis faucibus nunc, pellentesque fringilla quam lacinia ac. Aenean quis diam nunc. Praesent lacus est, efficitur sit amet feugiat in, pharetra et lectus. Duis sed sapien vel purus accumsan tincidunt id a purus. Ut a neque diam. Donec eget magna ligula....
Bonjour! Hello
This is a student’s post
Donec rutrum sapien a augue lobortis pharetra. Sed pellentesque sollicitudin arcu vitae scelerisque. Donec eget orci nec felis gravida elementum. Cras congue felis quis metus maximus, nec lacinia ante auctor. Mauris ac nibh tristique magna pulvinar auctor. Morbi a...
Meas, Mórtas, Muintearas.
Respect for ourselves and others, pride in our work, and a sense of community.