Physics is the natural science that studies matter, its motion and related entities of energy and force.
Physics is the study of matter, energy, and the interaction between them. It attempts to create an accurate description of the world around us, and then tests this description with observations and experiments.
Exam Structure – Junior Certificate
90% from final exam, remaining 10% from the Classroom Based Assessment.
Exam Structure – Leaving Certificate
100% from final exam at the end of sixth year.
Careers in Physics
- Engineer
- Scientist / Researcher
- Data Analyst
- Software Developer
- Lab Technician
- Laser Engineer
- Systems Analyst
- Meteorologist
Latest Physics News
Students Participating in Scifest!
Congratulations to 3rd year Science students and 5th year Physics students who participated in SciFest@school this week. Our students showcased their scientific knowledge by designing and carrying out a scientific investigation of their choice. Many thanks to SciFest...
Meas, Mórtas, Muintearas.
Respect for ourselves and others, pride in our work, and a sense of community.