Leaving Certificate Candidate Self Service Portal 2025 will reopen Tuesday 04th February to Tuesday 11th February.

We have reviewed the closing date for the Candidate Self Service Portal 2025 and wish to advise that the Candidate Self Service Portal will remain open until 5pm on Friday 14th February.  

Leaving Certificate Candidate Self Service Portal 2025 will reopen Tuesday 04th February to Friday 14th February.

This decision was taken in the best interests of the candidates to provide them with every opportunity to confirm their entry for the examinations.

Candidates who registered previously in October 2024 can now also log in to amend subjects/levels.

Can all candidates please be aware that they must register through the Portal as this Portal will provide students with the opportunity to confirm their subject choice and levels, access their results and for the later stages of the process such as the appeals application process.

They will need to complete the following steps:

Leaving Certificate Candidates STEP 1         Register to create your account

STEP 2         Confirm your Subjects and Levels



To register students will require their examination number and PIN (first 4 digits of your PPSN)

Candidates must engage with the portal review the information presented very carefully and complete Step 1 -Registration and Activate their Candidate Self-Service Portal account.

Once a Candidate has created their account they will receive an Account Activation email from the State Examinations Commission to activate their account. To complete the registration process, Candidates must click on the link in the email sent to their email account.  The email will be from the State Examinations Commission. Clicking the link in the email completes the registration process and confirms the creation of their Candidate Self-Service Portal Account. NB: An Account is not activated until a candidate clicks on the link in the Account Activation email. 

Candidates must then proceed to Step 2. Confirm Subjects and Levels. Candidates will see the subjects which they are entered for currently and will be able to amend if necessary. Once they are satisfied they must click the Submit button. A confirmation email will then be sent to the email they registered on the portal outlining the subjects and levels they confirmed.

There is helpdesk support available at 1800-111135 or 1800-111136  between 9am  to 5pm Tuesday 04th February to Tuesday 11th February or they can email candidateportal@examinations.ie