Last week was a busy week in the school guidance calendar. A number of events took place to celebrate College Awareness Week.
On Tuesday 3rd December, we had “career speed dating” . 5th years got a chance to speak to people from all different careers such as Engineers, paramedic, nurses , electricians , chefs and lots more.
On Wednesday we had another round of speed dating but this time related to subject choice. 3rd years and TYs had the opportunity to chat with our subject ambassadors from 5th year . Also on Wednesday 6th years had a visit from Derek from Dunboyne College of Further Education.
On Thursday we had an information evening for 3rd and TY parents about all the programmes  and subjects available for Senior Cycle. And on Friday , we had another college talk for 6th years , this time with Bronagh from UCD.
It was a busy week but very enjoyable and informative.